Zettai Karen Children Wiki

Cherished Day (4) is the eighty-eighth chapter of Takashi Shiina's Zettai Karen Children.


Kōichi Minamoto leaves his room and gives The Children a stern look. They panic since they had brought Kyousuke Hyoubu to the apartment. Minamoto asks them where his glasses are, he can't see without them, and therefore cannot see Hyoubu who smirks, plotting something.

Minamoto squints and sees his glasses case. He goes to pick it up and Kaoru Akashi destroys it with Psychokinesis; she apologizes, claiming to have used too much power when trying to hand it to him. Hyoubu stands up to announce his presence, so Aoi Nogami teleports him outside, and Shiho Sannomiya into the bathroom for an explanation for the noise. Shirō Magi watches with binoculars, and sees Hyoubu appear on the roof as if he were an adulterer sneaking out of his lover's home.

Minamoto questions the voice he heard, and Aoi tells him that it was Shiho calling from the bathroom. Minamoto rushes to check on her, running into the door on the way. He finds her fully clothed in the bathtub. Minamoto lifts her out, and she hugs him.

Kaoru tries to get rid of Hyoubu, and carries him away through the air. He is disappointed to have not been able to thank Minamoto for the food. Hyoubu takes out a remote control, to deactivate his limiters and be able to fly by himself. If Minamoto had realized Hyoubu was there, he planned on hypnotizing him.

Kaoru tells Hyoubu if he were to ever harm Minamoto, she would never forgive him. He asks whether he can tease Minamoto instead, and she refuses. She explains that Minamoto is a good person. Hyoubu tells her that the man who shot him had treated him the same as Minamoto treats her. She cries, refusing to believe Minamoto is anything like that man, and releases a psychokinetic blast that breaks the windows in the surrounding area.

Hyoubu defends himself, although his clothes are damaged. He is impressed at how powerful Kaoru has become since he first met her. Momotarō accuses Hyoubu of making Kaoru cry on purpose. Hyoubu warns Kaoru that it is Minamoto who will hurt her, not him, and he teleports away with Momotarō.

Minamoto helps Shiho dry off, and remembers that the following day will be the one-year anniversary of him becoming their supervisor. Kaoru returns, and Aoi finds Minamoto's spare glasses. Minamoto shows the girls a music box he got to commemorate the anniversary; it plays Träumerei and has a picture frame in the lid. Minamoto tells them that they can take a picture together the following day, but Kaoru insists they do it immediately. She holds a camera up with Psychokinesis, and The Children dive onto Minamoto for the picture.

In 2020, Aoi and Shiho agree to hear Kaoru out.

At P.A.N.D.R.A., Hyoubu realizes that he didn't give The Children their presents. Yō Fujiura and Momiji Kanō are annoyed that the clothes they got for Hyoubu are destroyed.
